Why buy Plays Spotify?

The creation and consequent popularization of music streaming services promoted a revolution in the phonographic market.
Professionals in the field had to adapt to a new reality in the consumption of their work by the public.
In one of the most popular and used streaming services in the world, Spotify, it is possible to manage the reproductions (plays) according to your needs.
What can the reproduction of plays indicate?
To have limited reproductions on the platform is the same as to have a very limited scope of exposure in the service.
This limited exposure will hinder an artist's expansion and scope.
Profiles with little publicity and restricted reproductions do not generate the necessary user engagement.
Artists who are unable to leverage their plays on Spotify find it difficult to make their future compositions popular.
The advantages
Buying plays on Spotify has a number of benefits for musicians.
With it, the popularity of your music and you as an artist becomes more viable, with the possibility of reaching a fan base.
The purchase of plays makes your music easier to find, optimizing your royalty rates based on the amount of plays purchased.
With that, it is possible to direct the focus to the musical production.
Know our plans!
The Power Of Social Why Increase Your Plays on Spotify?
Improved credibility and credibility
Highest ranking in the surveys
Improve engagement rate
Highlights in front of competition
NOTE: when possible we will add the plays with Brazilian users, otherwise the service will be performed with random users.
It has become increasingly common for people to use Spotify plays at their parties.
Use of collaborative playslists has grown among Spotify's 60 million users. That's because nobody wants to make mistakes in the music during their parties.
If you are a musician, have a band, give advice to a group or want to be famous on social networks, you can start with Spotify. Buy plays on Spotify and show your music to more people.
Have your plays played at the best parties.

How does your Spotify Plays service work?

This is a classified service. Nobody will find out that you bought plays on Spotify.
More and more people will pay attention to their music. Your audience will increase considerably in a short time.
Start attracting a much more engaged audience today.
Seguidores.com.br is a pioneer in the segment of followers, plays, views, likes in Brazil and has the best support. Here you have the guarantee that everything you hire will be delivered without a headache.
You will be able to greatly increase the reach of your music and become more famous on Spotify.
Buy Plays for Spotify: Frequently asked questions
Spotify is the main streaming platform online, with over 320 million active users and over 144 million subscribers. Getting Plays Spotify gives these people not only reproductions, but also popularity and optimizes their royalty rates. This purchase of Plays can increase the number of organic listeners and Plays, so that you can give the up that you lack for your music to burst and improve in the ranking position when you're wanted.
The purchase is carried out simply and in a few steps.
First you select the plan you wish to hire, and click on buying.
You will be rerouted to check-out, where you shall insert the link of the music that will receive the Plays. After inserting the link, you must select the means of payment and finish the purchase.
Our system will receive your request, after we receive confirmation of payment, we will immediately add your request to the waiting line. You'll see the results within 3-4 days after the payment confirmation.
You can accompany the status of your service through the "My Shopping Menu."
We're a company that has the main focus on satisfying our client with the quality of service and security. No matter what service or how much hired we will always meet with the greatest professionalism in the act of purchase, or after with our support. Na Seguidores.com.br the best quality of the market is guaranteed, because we are the pioneering company in marketing for social media in Brazil. Since 2009, by leveraging careers and helping small users from these social media become a success. And now it's your turn to count on our help to make your music get higher visibility and better ranking position when it's researched.
Our deadline for the start of the service is given from the moment we received confirmation of your service payment. From this moment on, your request is immediately placed in the waiting line of our system to receive your Spotify Plays. You'll start seeing the results of our service in 3-4 days after confirmation. Remembering that we gave you a high-quality service, with guarantee and following Spotify's guidelines, unlike other companies that can give you the job faster and no quality, something that won't bring you any benefit to you and it might still hurt you.
There are no risks and you cannot be banished by hiring services os da Seguidores.com.br. Our system uses last-generation processes to perform the service, guaranteeing quality, agility, and security. Our system follows all the directives of the platform, following the strike every rule, so we can guarantee you a handover with a lot of quality and no risk to your account. We're always updating our processes, to maintain according to Spotify politics.
Sure. Spotify doesn't forbid you from buying Plays. There are only rules that must be followed so that your account won't risk being blocked or banned. But you can rest assured that our team is very well-handled to follow all the directives imposed on the platform, so that there is no risk of your account suffering any consequence for breaking any rules.
To get the link of your song to buy Plays Spotify, follow the following steps:
Step one, go to the music that wants to receive the Plays;
Step two, click the button with the three points on the right of the "reproduce" button and "save";
Now click on the option, "copy the music link."
Clear. Our checkout is fully encrypted by SSL, not storing any of your personal information. And we work with the most recommended and secure payment operators in the market, guaranteeing a service with quality, security and privacy.
No. No one will know that you have hired any of our services, unless you tell someone. Whether for Spotify or any other service. The order in our company is to maintain the secrecy and privacy of each of our clients. Ensuring safety and reliability to each person who trusts the success of their music in our service.
To keep things simple and ensure security, we use the operators MercadoPago, PagSeguro, PicPay and PayPal * so that you can pay in up to 12 installments or pay in cash with a payment slip. We also accept bank transfer (TED, DOC and PIX) or bank deposit. And if you prefer, you can also pay using cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin).
* To make the payment through PayPal, contact us through chat, email or WhatsApp, we will assist you in this form of payment.